Jewish Newborn Gifts
29 SEP 2017

When a baby is born to a Jewish family special celebrations occur in which the baby is given his or her name. These ceremonies are happy celebrations that bring together friends and families and often include gifts to celebrate the birth of the baby. Traditional Jewish gifts that the child will have throughout his life are always nice to give.
1 Tzedakah Box
Tzedakah is an ancient law which states that all Jews are required by God to give donations and perform acts of kindness regardless of their financial well-being or their willingness to give. A tzedakah box placed in a home is a reminder that Jewish people are capable and obligated to help those less fortunate and is one of three acts that gains forgiveness of sin. Tzedakah boxes are an excellent choice as a baby gift and they can be found in a variety of styles from simple wooden boxes, decorated to resemble a baby block, to beautiful intricate designs.
2 Mezuzah
A mezuzah is a small scroll inside an ornamental holder which is attached to the doorpost of every room in a Jewish home (except the bathroom). The placing of a mezuzah offers protection and freedom to the inhabitants of the room. Although traditional Jewish homes will have a mezuzah already in place on the door of the baby's room, a baby-themed mezuzah is often given as a gift to commemorate his birth. A mezuzah can be made of paper, metal, gold, silver, wood or glass and can be found in an infinite variety of designs.
3 Hamsa
In the Jewish religion, the Jewish hamsa symbolizes the Hand of God. The hamsa protects against evil and brings its owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune. The hamsa is shaped like a hand, with three extended fingers in the middle and a curved thumb or pinkie finger on either side. Hamsas are often found as jewelry pieces, but can also be used as decorative elements in the home. Hamsas are traditional gifts commonly given for the birth of a new baby.
4 Kiddush Cup
Kiddush is a blessing recited over a Kiddush cup on the eve of the Shabbat, the traditional day of rest, as well as on Jewish holidays and special ceremonies. The Kiddush cup must hold 4.5 ounces, not be made of disposable material, and must be free of chips or cracks. Kiddush cups are often made of silver, but can be found in ceramic and glass as well. Kiddush cups are often passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom and are also given as gifts for the birth of a new baby.