How to Write an Eagle Scout Letter of Recommendation

Eagle scouts.
... Tom Pennington/Getty Images News/Getty Images

It is an honor to be asked by a young man to write a letter of recommendation for his induction as an Eagle Scout -- and it's a task that may require some thought. Also called a letter of reference, the recommendation should be a positive and personal reflection of how the boy is a leader and embodies the 12 principals of scout law.

1 The Recommendation Form

Since “helpful” is one of the first principals of Scout law, the Eagle candidate should have given you a stamped envelope, addressed to the proper scouting individual or committee. He would have given you his troop’s recommendation form, if there is one. At the very least, you need the address; do not give a copy of the letter to the Scout.

2 What to Include

The recommendation forms have the Scout motto and the Scout law for you to reference. Scout law characteristics include friendly, courteous, kind, thrifty and brave -- use these terms as appropriate to describe the candidate. List the Scout’s name, your name, how you know the Scout and for how long. Mention the characteristics in the Scout law that most exemplify the candidate and explain why.

3 Examples of Character

Try to give specific examples in the recommendation letter, such as, “Eric is extremely helpful and friendly. He worked with me tirelessly feeding the homeless at our church several times a year. He engaged with the homeless customers, and even played the guitar for them." Give other examples of what most impressed you, focusing on some of the other characteristics of the Scout code. Clearly state in the letter that you endorse the candidate for Eagle scout.

Nate Lee was senior editor of Chicago's "NewCity" newspaper and creative director in a global advertising agency. A playwright and published poet, Lee writes about the arts, culture and business innovation. He received his Bachelor of Arts in English from Tulane University.
