How to Rejoin the Military After a Medical Discharge RE-3P
4 OCT 2017

Each military discharge is assigned a reenlistment code. A discharge code of RE-3P is assigned to former sailors who were discharged from the Navy for medical reasons. If a Navy veteran with a reenlistment code of RE-3P wishes to rejoin the military, he must obtain a waiver from the office of the Commander, Navy Recruiting Command, commonly referred to as COMNAVCRUITCOM. If a waiver is granted, the former sailor will be notified and can then reenlist in the military.
Contact a military recruiter and make an appointment to discuss rejoining the military. Advise him that you have been discharged and received a reenlistment code of RE-3P. Tell him you will attempt to obtain a waiver from COMNAVCRUITCOM and provide him with a copy of your discharge document. Your official military discharge document is Department of Defense form 214.
Call COMNAVCRUITCOM at 888-247-9321. Tell the person who answers the telephone that you were discharged from the Navy with a reenlistment code of RE-3P and that you need to obtain a waiver to rejoin the military. Provide your name, Social Security number and your date of discharge when asked.
Provide the COMNAVCRUITCOM operator with your recruiter's name, telephone number and recruiting station address. You will then be asked to provide detailed medical records you have accrued since leaving the military; provide them by email, fax or mail. When COMNAVCRUITCOM receives your information, they will begin an investigation in accordance with COMNAVCRUITCOM Instruction 1131.2C to determine whether you are eligible to receive a waiver.
Follow up with your recruiter after two weeks to determine whether he has received a waiver on your behalf. If he has not yet received it, call COMNAVCRUITCOM to follow up. When an investigation determines that you are eligible, your recruiter must write a letter endorsing you as a good candidate to rejoin the military and explain his reasoning.
Complete all enlistment documents as required by your recruiter after you have received authorization to rejoin the military. Swear an oath of allegiance to the United States, your branch of the military and the U.S. Constitution. Once you have sworn your oath and signed your final enlistment contract, you have successfully rejoined the U.S. military.