How to Transfer From the National Guard to the Army Reserve
4 OCT 2017

Whether the reasons are personal or logistical, it’s not unusual for a member of the National Guard to transfer to the Army Reserve. While getting your transfer approved doesn’t come with any guarantees, the process for requesting transfers can be achieved through a fairly painless process, as long as you know where to begin.
Talk to your current commander about your plans to transfer, as a common courtesy.
Request an appointment with a local Army Reserve recruiter, and explain that you would like to transfer. He will give you a DD Form 368, Request for Conditional Release, to fill out. Use that form to formally request release from the National Guard.
Fill out the paperwork with the help of your recruiter. After you complete the DD 368 form, sign it and ask the recruiter to sign it, as well.
Turn in the DD Form 368 to your unit commander, who will then have 30 days to complete the process, either granting or denying the transfer.
Sign your contract with the Army Reserve once your conditional release is approved. You will have 90 days to complete this final step.
- 1 Sgt. 1st Class John McCullouch, Recruiter, Arizona National Guard