How to Make Cloth Church Banners
29 SEP 2017

Cloth church banners can be used to publicize a church event, to enhance the worship experience or to decorate for religious holidays. In the past, church banners were often elaborately embroidered, but a simple no-sew banner can have just as much impact. Felt is a good choice for a no-sew church banner. Felt does not fray, so the edges need not be finished on a sewing machine. Since no-sew banners are easy to make, even children can help with the project.
Mark a rectangle 34-inches wide and 24-inches long on the felt using tailor's chalk. Cut rectangle shape from the felt.
Fold down 1 inch of fabric at the top; mark with tailor's chalk. Squeeze a thin line of glue at the mark and fold fabric onto glue to make a casing for the dowel. Hold in place for 30 seconds to allow glue to set.
Place stencils on paper. Trace inside each letter needed for the banner's message. Cut letters from paper and arrange letters on fabric rectangle.
Pin paper letters in place. Trace around paper letters with tailor's chalk.
Place stencils on felt squares. Cut out the letters required for the banner's message. Place felt letters inside the areas that have been drawn in chalk.
Glue felt letters to the fabric banner. Hold in place for 30 seconds to allow glue to set. Sketch decorative designs on felt squares with tailor's chalk. Cut out designs and arrange on the large fabric rectangle.
Glue felt decorative elements in place on the rectangle. Hold in place for 30 seconds to allow glue to set.
Place the banner wrong side up on the work surface. Glue a decorative tassel on the backside of each bottom corner of the banner.
Insert wooden dowel in casing at the top of the banner. Tie fabric cording to each end of dowel to make a hanger. The fabric cording will hold the banner in place on the dowel.