How to Write a Title Page for a Report

You work hard researching and writing a report. After compiling your data, organizing your thoughts and penning the report, make sure you present your report properly with a title page. The title page is the first impression of your report so it must be neat, orderly and formatted according to standard guidelines. Write a title page for a report carefully to ensure you present your report successfully.
Select a font that is simple and easy to read. Set the font size to 24 or 26 for the title. Center the title vertically and horizontally on the page. Enter the report title using title case lettering (for example, My Report Title).
Skip one full line.
Reduce the font size to 18 or 20 and enter the author’s name, centered horizontally. Use title case for the author’s name.
Skip one full line.
Reduce the font size to 16 or 18 and enter the author’s organization or institution, centered horizontally in the same fashion as the other lines of text.
Skip another line.
Enter the date of the report, centered horizontally.
Proofread the text and then save it on your hard drive. Print the title page onto white paper.