You can contact your local postmaster by stopping by or calling your post office. The U.S. Postal Service website will help you locate the name of your current postmaster. You can also contact the Postal Service national headquarters in Washington D.C. with other postal issues.
1 Finding Your Postmaster's Name
If you want to know the name of the postmaster, who is the head postal official in a location, for your city, you can search on the USPS website. The website lists current and past postmasters for many post offices, though not all historical records are yet recorded.
Sometimes post offices don't have permanent postmasters. The person acting in the capacity of postmaster is known as the officer in charge, and he will also be listed in the Postal Service directory.
Your letter carrier or anyone working at the post office will likely also be able to help you learn the postmaster's name.
2 Finding Your Post Office
You can visit your post office to ask a question or ask to speak to the postmaster or another official.
To find your post office, search for your address on the USPS website or call the national postal service hotline at 1-800-ASK-USPS. The website or hotline will tell you where your post office is located, what hours they're open and what sorts of services it provides. You can phone or walk in and ask to speak to the postmaster, officer in charge or another relevant official.
3 Contact National Headquarters
If you're not satisfied with the response at your local post office or would just prefer to talk to someone in the national organization, you can call the national hotline, file a complaint or send an email through the USPS website or write to the Consumer Advocate of the Postal Service's Consumer, who handles customer issues.
If you believe that an employee of the Postal Service has committed a crime, you can contact the Postal Service's Office of the Inspector General. That office investigates waste, fraud and abuse committed by employees of the Postal Service.
If you think that someone else has committed a crime involving postal facilities, such as stealing mail or sending fraudulent information through the mail, you can contact the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, which is essentially the postal police. You can contact the Postal Inspection Service online, by postal mail or over the phone.
If you have a comment about postal rules, such as an issue with a change to mailing rates, prices or policies, you can contact the Postal Regulatory Commission online, through the mail or over the phone.