How to Homeschool in Polk County, Florida

To home school your children in Polk County Florida, you must know the laws of the state and know what to submit to your local superintendent's office. It is also important to meet other homeschoolers and join support groups.
Choose a homeschooling approach from the three homeschooling options allowed by the state. A home school education program allows parents to teach children at home. A non-public school option allows parents to use private schools to oversee their home school program. A private tutor program allows parents to hire a certified tutor to instruct their child.
Send an intent to home school notice to the Polk County superintendent's office. It must be submitted within 30 days of beginning to home school. You do not have to send a notice if you are using a private school to oversee your home school program.
Find a home school support group. It is easier to home school when you are not doing it alone. The group you join will put you in contact with experienced home schoolers who can answer your questions and give you tips on choosing curricula. They can also provide or help you locate extracurricular activities for your children.
Choose a home school curriclum. Read a few books on home school approaches, and ask fellow home schoolers to locate the curriculum that will best suit your children. Keep the child's learning style and the parent's teaching style in mind.
Create a portfolio of your student's work, including a log of instruction to document what the child has learned. Keep these records in case the superintendent requires you to produce them for review. If sent this request, you will have 15 days to comply.
Submit a yearly evaluation of work and goals completed by the student to the Polk County superintendent at the end of every year.
- Taking the advice of other home schoolers does not mean following them blindly. Make your own choices based on their advice.
- Always submit your paperwork on time.