How to Write a Letter of Appeal of Re-entry into a Nursing Program

Even for the most devoted students, life sometimes gets in the way of completing a class or school program. If you have been dismissed from the nursing program due to failing grades or withdrawing from classes, you are allowed to repeal the dismissal. While each school has different policies, a dismissed nursing student is removed from the program for 2 to 3 years before being allowed to continue her education. If something out of your control caused you to fail or withdraw from a class, you can write a a letter of appeal that might help you to remain in the program.
Research the name of the Department Chair, so that you can properly address the letter.
Write a three-paragraph letter of appeal to the Department Chair. Introduce yourself in the first paragraph, along with why you are writing the appeal and state an objective, which indicates the solution you hope to obtain.
Explain in detail why you needed to withdraw from a class or why you failed the course. If a situation out of your control occurred which caused you to withdraw from the class or fail the course, provide supporting documentation in your letter of appeal.
Close the letter of appeal with a conclusion, which needs to reiterate your objective. Provide your contact information at the close of the letter and express thanks for reading the letter.
Meet with your academic adviser to explain your circumstances. Provide the adviser with documentation about your condition or situation, along with a copy of the letter of appeal you will send to the Department Chair of Nursing, who has the authority to allow you to reenroll in the program.
Send the letter to the Department Chair and wait for a decision from the school's academic review committee.