How to Qualify for Welfare Benefits
29 SEP 2017

Welfare benefits are designed to help people who have come upon hard times and are seeking temporary assistance. Several criteria must be met for a person to qualify for welfare benefits. Because there are different types of welfare benefits, not every requirement applies to everyone.
Ensure that your income does not exceed the required amount. A person who does not have a job because of a lack of opportunities, a lack of job skills or a physical ailment might be eligible for such welfare benefits as disability or unemployment. Similarly, a person who makes less than the state's established poverty level also may be eligible.
Try to improve the situation. A person who receives welfare benefits is often required to agree to work toward self-sufficiency. A welfare recipient must promise to abide by the rules and regulations established by the agency that distributes the welfare benefits. This may involve meeting regularly with case workers to discuss the progress being made toward self-sufficiency.
Live with the children claimed on the application form. Dependent children typically must live in the same household as the applicant for the applicant to receive welfare benefits for them. Minors in the home who are of school age must attend school.
Be a legal resident and provide documentation that you reside within the state.
Be willing to divulge financial information, including the amount of money earned in your household, along with the money in checking and savings accounts. some agencies also use the value of automobiles and homes to determine how much welfare assistance should be granted.