How to Write an IEP Request Letter

Schools partner with parents to develop an Individual Education Program for students needing accommodations to keep up with the curriculum. The IEP is a legally binding plan for success that identifies the specific needs of a child, such as speech therapy, adaptive technology devices or mobility services. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, you have the right to request that your child be assessed for a suspected disability and then provided with reasonable support services. You can also request that the IEP be reviewed and adjusted if circumstances change.
1 Writing the Letter
Address the letter to the school’s special education director and send copies to your child’s principal, teachers and other professionals working with your child. State your name and the name of your child. Request an IEP meeting within 30 days, as stipulated by law. Explain the reason for your request, such as a change in your child’s functioning or worsening medical condition. Attach supporting documentation, such as tests results, medical records, report cards or psychiatric evaluations. Request copies of any information that school staff will be presenting at the meeting. Note times and dates when you’re available. Identify others you would like to participate in the meeting, in person or by speaker phone, such as your child’s doctor or social worker. Extend your thanks in advance, submit the letter and follow up to make sure it was received.