How to Know If He's Dating Other Girls

Sharing is considered a virtue, but if your boyfriend shares his time and attention with other girls, unfaithfulness can be a deal breaker. Validating your suspicions can be painful. Remaining in a relationship with a deceitful guy may be worse because trust is essential to the stability of your relationship. You can’t control your boyfriend’s behavior, but you can learn to recognize some of the signs that he may be dating other girls.
1 He's a No-Show
If your guy recently has come up with a multitude of reasons by telephone or text for why he can’t spend time with you in person, consider this shift in behavior a warning sign that he may be dating other girls. Even if your guy verbalizes how much he misses you, remember that pretty words pale in comparison to his behavior. Your guy’s actions trump his words.
2 Don't Look Now
Your boyfriend may communicate that someone else is on his mind without saying a word. Pay attention to his body language, noting whether the behavior differs from how your boyfriend normally responds, recommends counselor Elly Prior in the article “Signs of Infidelity" on her website For example, if your guy appears eager to look at everything in the room except you, and he normally makes eye contact, avoiding that eye contact with you may be a sign of emotional discomfort. Observe what your boyfriend does with his hands. Concealing his hands or using his hands to cover his mouth may signal your boyfriend’s guilt.
3 Too Much on His Plate
Regardless of their skilled multitasking expertise, guys who cheat experience difficulty maintaining equilibrium in every area of their life. Your boyfriend may experience difficulty juggling more than one love interest. If your guy is dating other girls, you may notice changes in his schedule, habits and availability. For example, a guy may step up his workout schedule at the gym, discourage you from watching his team practice after school and wear a new cologne. These changes don’t validate that you no longer have your guy’s undivided attention, but they should get your attention.
4 He Spars With You
It’s normal for you and your boyfriend to occasionally disagree, but if your arguments increase in frequency and intensity, this may signal more than just differences in opinion, says family counselor M. Gary Neuman in his book “The Truth About Cheating.” Perhaps tranquility usually exists between you, but your boyfriend finds reasons to disagree and fuels arguments that end only after he leaves. Disparaging remarks and random criticism designed to spark controversy are red flags that your boyfriend’s allegiance may be divided.