Good Topics to Discuss When First Meeting a Girl

If you find yourself tongue-tied or getting strange looks when trying to get to know a girl, you're in good company. Being a smooth talker in social situations isn't natural for many people. With a little practice and being mindful about what most girls like to talk about, however, you can overcome your social awkwardness. Keep a list of a few great questions that will get new girls you meet talking and interested in you.
1 Her Tastes and Interests
A good way to ease your way into a conversation with minimal awkwardness is to start with what she enjoys. If you're eating somewhere together, ask her what she thinks about the food, drink or atmosphere. Other great topics include movies, music, games, TV shows, hobbies and books. Find out what she does on her evenings and weekends -- or what she'd like to be doing.
2 Her Family
It can be appropriate to start asking questions about a girl's family once you've broken the ice a little bit. Ask if she has any siblings and what they are like. Ask her what her parents are like and where they live. However, make sure you're listening carefully to her responses. If she starts looking away, giving short answers and losing interest in general, change the subject. Family can sometimes be a sensitive topic.
3 Her Travels -- Past And Future
You can start an interesting conversation simply by asking a girl if she has lived anywhere else or has done much traveling. If she has, ask her what she has liked or disliked about different locations. Share any similar experiences you've had. Also try asking where she'd like to go and what she'd most enjoy doing upon her arrival there.
4 Her Childhood Memories
Many girls enjoy remembering what it was like when they were small. Ask her what she was like when she was little -- her favorite toys, her favorite shows, her personality, her favorite things to do. In general, you'd probably benefit from keeping childhood topics light, unless she offers up deeper pieces of her past and seems comfortable talking about them.
5 Her Hopes and Dreams
If the girl is a student, ask her what she's studying and what her goals are. Even if she's not a student, you can ask her about her hopes and ambitions, where she hopes to be in five or 10 years. Try to discover what she's passionate about and express your interest in that subject.