How to Get Florida Certification in Coaching

Many athletic coaches in middle or high schools also teach academic subjects and hold teacher certifications, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The Florida Department of Education requires that athletic coaches hold certifications in teaching and coaching. There are four main steps to achieve a Florida certification in coaching.
1 Complete the required education and training
Complete the required education and training. The Florida Department of Education notes that teachers seeking certification in athletic coaching must hold a bachelor’s degree with at least nine semester hours in coaching. Three semester hours must cover prevention and management of injuries and the dangers of performance-enhancing drugs; the remaining six must address coaching theory including the theory and practice of coaching a specific sport.
2 Complete teacher certification in another subject
Complete teacher certification in another subject. Although the Department of Education acknowledges multiple pathways to achieve a professional certificate in teaching a subject area, most require a bachelor’s degree in the area, full-time teaching experience and a passing score on general, professional and subject certification exams.
3 Obtain CPR training and certification
Obtain CPR training and certification. A card certifying completion of a cardiopulmonary resuscitation course given or approved by the American Red Cross, the American Heart Association or the Florida Department of Health is critical to achieving coaching certification, according to the state administrative rules for educational certification.
4 Complete the application
Complete the application. Although you can apply online for Florida certification in athletic coaching through the Department of Education website, you must mail hard copies of verification documents—such as transcripts, CPR course cards and copies of your fingerprints—to the Florida Bureau of Educator Certification. You can pay the $75 application fee online.