How to Design Kitchens for Demonstration & Teaching

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Designing kitchens for cooking demonstration and teaching is simple if specific modifications are made. When planning a kitchen used for the purpose of teaching, a few different steps are required to guarantee that it serves the teacher and culinary students effectively. Home kitchens typically center on colors, style, and efficiency. When designing a kitchen for demonstration and teaching, consider other necessities such as the layout of the kitchen design and the need for extra cabinet space.

Obtain the building plan and assess the kitchen layout and requirements. Cooking demonstrations and teaching in a cooking environment means that there needs to be ample space for culinary students and observers. A center island allows for room on all sides and creates a great place for teaching and hands-on learning. A staged kitchen design also benefits from a large center island where the audience can view the teacher. Work with the space to fit in an island that leaves enough room for multiple people to gather and observe. Before completing the kitchen design plan, use a tape measure, paper, and pen to write down precise measurements to ensure that the building plan is correct.

Choose durable materials that will last. A home kitchen is used a few times a day by a couple of people. A kitchen design used for cooking demonstration and teaching is used by many more people each day that class is held. In order to last, choose materials that will hold up rather than just look good. Check the Internet for a list of suppliers and call around to find the best deal, but be sure to also check reviews. Stainless steel is a popular choice that is also sanitary. Culinary students and teachers alike appreciate an easy-to-clean environment.

Install additional cabinets. A kitchen design for cooking demonstration and teaching needs a lot of room for the tools used by the teacher and class. Instead of just a few bowls or one set of pots, this type of environment requires multiple sets of the same kitchen tools. This requires cabinet space that does not interfere with the cooking environment. Plenty of drawers for utensils are also useful for culinary students. If possible, obtain a list of the intended inventory for the space to get an idea of exactly what will be held there.

Include extra counter space in the kitchen design. If the counter area is too small, items will create clutter during the cooking demonstration and make it difficult for viewing. Additionally, classes that are hands-on require lots of counter space. Installing multiple sinks in the counters ensures that the students can easily clean up their messes without having to wait.

Hire professionals to complete the job. Ask for references and don’t be afraid to check the validity of the recommendations received. The Internet may also offer reviews of the company. Ask for a time frame for project completion and expected cost of labor. Supervise the construction and make suggestions and alterations when necessary to fit the original design plan as much as possible. This will guarantee that the cooking demonstrations and teaching practices are ideal.

  • Don’t set the cabinets up too high, or injury from a falling pot or other item can occur.
  • If the construction company supplies the materials, check to make sure they are not inflating the costs.
  • Consult with the owners of the kitchen for ideas and suggestions.
  • Be sure to obtain the proper permits from the city or township.

Rebecca DeLuccia-Reinstein has been a freelance writer since 2004. She is a native New Yorker based in Pennsylvania. Her writing includes books, manuals, training guides and articles published as a ghostwriter and she has covered topics such as education, sales, art and psychology. She received a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the State University of New York at Albany.
