How to Delete Empty iPhone Pages

You can manually launch multiple pages -- similar to tabs on your desktop browser -- when using the Safari browser on your iPhone. From time to time, however, an empty page may appear -- as a result of a site that failed to load, for example, or a download that didn't initiate successfully. These extra, empty pages can be cleared from your browser's work space in a few taps.
Tap the "Pages" icon -- which looks like two stacked squares -- to display a tab view of all open pages.
Swipe through the page tiles and locate a blank page.
Tap the "X" at the top left of the page or swipe the page offscreen to the left to remove it.
Tap a page to return to normal Web browsing in Safari.
- Information in this article applies to iPhones and other devices running iOS 7. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.
- The Home screen also allows the creation of multiple pages -- for displaying app icons and folders, for example. When you drag an app's icon to the side of the Home screen, a new app page will be created for your shortcuts. If you change your mind and remove these icons, click the "Home" button and the iPhone automatically deletes any blank pages. In the event you have extra pages that stick and remain blank, you can trick the device into closing them. To do this, drag any icon to the empty page and drop it as if you're installing it on that page, then drag it back to its original Home screen page and press the "Home" button.