Communication Crafts for Preschoolers

Showcase communication crafts after teaching your preschool students lessons about communicating with peers, relatives and other people. These crafts can feature different methods of communication, such as speaking, sign language and communicating through touch. You can also highlight different aspects of communicating from afar, such as email, writing letters, video messages and phone calls.
1 Telephone Experiment Craft
Help your preschool students make real telephones to communicate with. Encourage the children to decorate two paper cups with stickers and drawings. Use a sharp pencil to poke a tiny hole at the center of the bottom of each cup. Pull a regular white string through each hole and tie a large knot on the other side so the string doesn't fall out. Make several phones so that all the kids can participate with a friend. The experiment will work only if the kids keep the string tight and straight while they talk and listen. The sound is sent through vibrations in the string.
2 Methods of Communication Collage
Encourage the children to make a collage showcasing different methods of communication, such as sign language, talking, writing a letter and emailing. Help the kids draw pictures of people talking or cut out photos from magazines to glue on the collage. You can also find pictures online of people using computers, talking or communicating in other ways. They can also place phone, computer and people stickers in random spots on the page. Draw bubbles next to each person they draw and write words inside that represent an ongoing conversation.
3 Mood Wall
Encourage the kids to communicate their feelings with color by creating a mood wall. Buy a large sheet of white paper that is about 4-by-6. You can find these large rolls of paper for bulletin boards and other projects at a craft store. Teach the kids about different colors that represent various moods. Help them cut out hearts and circles to represent their mood. Some kids might want to cut out yellow hearts to represent happiness and red hearts to symbolize a powerful mood. They can cut out blue circles if they are in a calm mood. The kids might like certain colors, but encourage them to use colors that truly express their mood instead of using their favorite shades. Help the kids write their names on the circles and hearts. They may also want to draw pictures on some of the cutouts to depict a certain emotion.
4 Letter to Pennsylvania Avenue
Help the children write a class letter to the president of the United States. Write the letter for the children on poster board. Put the message in the middle of the board and leave room around the message for children to write their names, draw pictures or write short, personal notes to the president. Ask the class what types of questions or requests they would like to address to the president and perhaps leave spaces for the president (or his staff) to respond.