Crafts for Kids on Sharing

When you turn lessons about the importance of good manners and sharing into craft projects, the fun of the experience reinforces the message. Introduce the crafts after you teach children the reasons people should share with others. Start early to instill good behavior and morals in small children. Work with clay or use paper and paint to bring your visions to life.
1 Paper Crafts
Help the kids make paper crafts about sharing. A sharing collage might include pictures of their friends and objects they would share, such as a teddy bear, candy cane, doll or puzzle. The kids can draw these pictures or cut photos of objects from a magazine. Give the kids sticker letters to spell the words "Share," "Care," "Love" and other sentiments.
2 Paint Pictures
Encourage the kids to paint pictures about sharing. These pictures can include any image that come to their minds when they think of sharing. They can draw pictures of themselves sharing an apple pie with a friend or they can draw pictures of a rainbow and sunshine. The kids might want to also paint pictures of themselves sharing toys with a sibling or giving a toy to someone.
3 Happy Rocks
Help the kids make happy rocks about manners. Find small, lightweight flat rocks or buy rocks at the home improvement or craft store. Give each child three rocks and help them paint the rocks blue, pink, purple or any color of their choosing. After the first coat of paint dries, help the kids paint one word on each rock. One rock can say "Share," while other rocks can display other happy words or manners such as "Love," "Thank You" or "Friends." Tell the kids to remember to share when they look at their special happy rocks.
4 Sharing Booklets
Help kids make books about sharing. They can make a standard book with construction paper or card stock. The kids might want to draw pictures of themselves sharing toys with friends or a picture of a large heart on the cover. Stack up five or more pages and use a hole punch to make three holes on the left side of the book. Tie yarn through the holes to secure the pages. Encourage the kids to make each page about sharing. For example, they can draw a picture of a strawberry and banana and write "I share my food" at the top of the page. They can also use the book as a journal to record stories of sharing.