How to Break in Stilettos

Stilettos are a coveted wardrobe staple for women of all sizes. Because the sexy silhouette of the stiletto heel has such universal appeal, it is important to feel comfortable and confident while walking in your heels. There's no need to save these kicks for occasions when you'll be doing more sitting than strutting -- make comfort your priority and break them in around the house before your next big night out on the town.
Wear your stilettos around the house with a pair of cotton socks for an hour each day. The cotton sock help the leather of your shoes expand so they are not too tight and conform to the shape of your feet. Be sure that the socks you choose are not too thin, as a thin sock cannot help stretch the shoe. An athletic sock is the right density.
Rub sandpaper against the soles of your stilettos to rough up the bottoms. This prevents you from slipping on smooth surfaces, such as wood or tile. Do a test run after sanding the soles and before wearing the shoes out to make sure that you've adequately roughed up the bottoms.
Install foot cushions from your local drugstore to protect any areas where your stilettos cause pain. After wearing your stilettos for about an hour, determine which points of your foot feel pressure -- the sole or the heel, for instance -- and add a foot cushion to the appropriate area.
- Avoid buying shoes that are larger or smaller than your regular shoe size. It is more difficult to break in shoes that are not sized for your feet. Wearing the wrong size shoes also makes you prone to tripping.