Assembly Ideas for Primary School Children

The best assembly ideas for primary school children are demonstrations that both teach and entertain. An assembly consisting of only a long speech will bore the audience to tears, especially an audience of young students. At the very least, the assembly must include pictures or other types of visual stimulation to help keep students interested and excited about the activity.
1 Emergencies
Introduce primary students to different emergencies and teach them what to do with an assembly given by paramedics or other emergency response workers. Short lectures, films and slide presentations can accompany a range of topics, such as how to do the Heimlich maneuver and check your pulse. Other topics can include what questions to expect if you call 911, how to stay warm if you’re lost outdoors and the proper way to treat a burn.
2 Fire Safety
A general assembly about fire given by firefighters helps introduce primary students to basic fire safety tools and techniques. Demonstrations can include a short film about crawling, covering your face and checking doors for heat if you’re escaping from a burning building. A short speech about how to “Stop, Drop and Roll” if you are on fire and examples of firefighting tools used to fight fires are also educational and entertaining.
3 Healthful Eating
Inspire students to eat healthfully with a primary school assembly focused on different types of food. A general introduction can include slides explaining the different food groups and basic food pyramid. Demonstrations can include short films about what goes into assorted processed foods, such as sausage and chicken nuggets. Additional presentations can include slides of people with nutrition-related diseases, such as rickets, and models of healthy and unhealthy hearts or livers.
4 Magic Demonstration
Performers are always popular for primary school assemblies, particularly magicians who keep the kids captivated. Popular tricks include pulling something out of a hat, making a rope float from a bottle and sticking a hand in boiling oil. In addition to popular tricks, the magician can share the secret behind a simple trick, such as pulling a penny from a person’s ear. Other sections for the assembly can include a short film about famous magicians or about memorable magic tricks.
5 Message Skits
Hire a singing and dancing motivational group for a primary school assembly with a preventative message, such as anti-smoking, drugs and/or bullying. The best groups are ones that get students to participate in the singing, dancing and comedy skits. Other entertainment can include a short public-service film hosted by a popular celebrity or a short speech by a local celebrity.
6 State Facts
Dedicate some time to the primary school’s home state with an assembly highlighting interesting facts about the area. The introduction can include a general historical overview about the state’s creation, such as why it has the name it does and when it become a state. A slideshow or film consisting of the state’s famous landmarks, parks and/or natural formations demonstrates the unique aspects of the area. Other interesting facts can include celebrities born in the state and/or weird state attractions, such as the world’s largest ball of yarn.