Objects to Write a Speech About

Many students have to give an object speech sometime in their academic career. Objects include: things, people, animals or products. Your teacher may assign a two to five-minute speech, so you want to make sure that you have plenty to say about the object. Also, pick an object that you can bring into class with you and use as a visual aid.
1 Meaningful Objects
An object that holds a lot of meaning to you will be easy to talk about. This object could be an autographed baseball, a piece of jewelry that once belonged to your grandmother or a sea shell you picked up on a favorite vacation. During your speech, tell the story about how you came about the object. For example, you caught the baseball at a game, then waited by the locker room to have it signed. You also want to let your audience know why the object holds meaning for you, such as you went to the baseball game with your dad and the baseball always reminds you of what a great and exciting day you two spent together.
2 Hobby Objects
Give a speech about an object that has to do with one of your hobbies. Share with your audience how you got involved in that hobby, the relevance of the object to the hobby and information on how to use the object. If you bring in knitting needles, inform the class how your mother taught you to knit, the difference between the size of knitting needles, and then give the audience a demonstration. Sports lovers can bring in sports equipment; artists can talk about their paint brushes; and musicians can speak about their instruments.
3 Pets
If it is okay with your teacher and school, form your object speech around a pet. Have a parent bring your dog or cat in during your speech. You could also bring in a caged animal such as a hamster, bird, fish, turtle or lizard. Tell your audience about the animal’s breed, how you picked out your pet among the litter, the story behind the animal’s name, what you and your pet do together and why the pet means so much to you. If your teacher doesn’t allow live animals, bring in something that belongs to the pet such as a collar, shed snake skin or a fish bowl.
4 Person
Write a speech about a person who you admire and who means a lot to you. Invite the actual person to come to class with you (make sure you have your teacher’s permission to do this) or bring in a picture of the person as your prop. Make a speech about a parent, relative, teacher, coach, doctor, babysitter or best friend. Tell a specific anecdote about that person such as the time you went to the fair together or how that person saved your life perhaps. Also, talk about why that person is so important to you.