How to Apply to German Universities

For noncitizens wanting to study at a German university, you will need to apply individually at each university of interest. Different states in Germany, all well as individual universities, have differing requirements for application and admission, as well as study options. A few requirements and application processes are shared by all universities, though.
- High school diploma
- ACT or SAT scores
- Proficiency in German
1 Meet the basic criteria
Meet the basic criteria to apply to a German university. This means having a high school diploma or GED, and high scores on either the ACT or SAT. While German universities do not specify required scores for the ACT and SAT, the higher your score, the better your chances of acceptance.
2 Take and pass the Deutsche Sprachprfung fr den
Take and pass the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang ausländischer Studienbewerber (DSH), or the TestDaF, awarded by the Goethe Institute to demonstrate proficiency in the German language. If you cannot speak, read and write German fluently, you will not gain admissions into a German university. You must pass either the DSH or the TestDAF. In many cases, you can take those tests in your own country (see Resources).
3 Decide
Research German universities and decide which universities can best help you meet your academic goals. Once you decide on which universities are best suited to your circumstances, you must apply directly with the university either through an electronic application or by mail, depending on the university's requirements.
4 Fill out the university's
Fill out the university's application and provide all requested details. Submit the application according to the instructions provided, making sure you submit with it proof of German language proficiency, your high school diploma and your ACT or SAT scores.