After School Activities in Mexico
29 SEP 2017

Children in Mexico are just as busy as children in the States, if not more. Mexican parents like to keep their kids active in after school classes and programs. Particularly in the urban areas of Mexico, it is close to impossible to find a kid who doesn't have any after-school activities.
1 Sports and Dance Classes
Soccer is Mexico's most popular sport. Both boys and girls play on teams, although generally there are more boys teams. Tournaments give kids many opportunities to compete. Swimming classes, ballet classes and hip-hop dance are also the usual stops for after-school activities. Most schools, whether public or private, offer some type of after-school team sports.
2 Music Classes
Guitar, violin and singing classes are all the rage in Mexico. Kids often form bands, and strut their stuff in the Mexican equivalent of Battle of the Bands and their schools' talent shows. Girls often sing in a chorus, either through their school or their place of worship.
3 Tutoring
English classes, in particular, are a popular after school activity. Many students get some type of English instruction over the course of their school day. Yet, a great number of parents want their children to be bilingual in English, and hire an after school English tutor to help their child. Math and science tutoring are another standard option.