How to Write a Personal Profile for a University

When you are applying for entrance to or a position with a university, you may need to include a personal profile along with your CV or resume. A personal profile is similar to a cover letter, but generally shorter and more focused on what you're looking for in your future career. If you are also including a cover letter, avoid simply summarizing the letter and make your profile different by choosing a specific goal to focus on in your statement.
Write a sentence succinctly summarizing who you are and what you are seeking. Avoid the use of "I" and aim for a more actionable sentence. For example: "Recent graduate with honors and accomplished cellist seeking a position as adjunct faculty in the music department with the University of Illinois."
Write five to six sentences that focus on your specific goal with this application. Use "I" in this part of your profile. Focus on showing your strong points rather than telling the recipient about them. For example, rather than "I am a patient and caring music teacher," try "I spent two years volunteering with a music therapy organization for disabled children."
Read your profile out loud to check for mistakes and run-on sentences. Revise and edit your profile as needed; it will be the first thing the recipient reads, and it must be well-written and interesting.
- Write a customized profile for each university you apply to and tailor the information toward the position you are seeking with that school.