How to Do a Book Report Without Reading the Book

Writing a book report without reading the book can be easy or difficult, depending on your resources. When writing a book report, it is always best to read the entire book before writing the report. However, if you procrastinate or just don't want to read the book, there are ways to write the report and get a decent grade. If you have not read the book, you will have to spend time gathering information about the book to make your report believable.
- Book
- Internet
1 Writing A Book Report

2 Look
Look at websites on the Internet that have summaries of the book in question. There are several good websites.

3 Read the summaries
Read the summaries. The summaries tell the most important points in the book. They also include the setting, characters, plot and theme.

4 Read the summary
As you read the summary of the book make notes about points that you think are important for your report.

5 Organize your information
Organize your information. If you have a guide that explains how the report should be done, organize the information according to the guide. If you don't have a guide, decide how you want to organize your book report.

6 Write the report
Write the report. When all of the information is gathered and organized, it will be easy to begin writing the report. Be sure to include the information that is required by your teacher. If you include everything the teacher requested, no one will ever know you did not read the book.
- If the teacher asks questions about details from the book that were not included in the summary, you could fail a quiz or test on the book.
- Sometimes you may need to read several summaries to get all of the imformation you need.