How to Have a Voice in a Relationship

In healthy relationships, both partners have an equal voice. Having a voice means you are able to communicate and share things about yourself and how you feel. When only one person has a voice, the relationship is off balance and unhealthy. There are some things you can do have a voice with your partner, but they must be willing to compromise and make some changes, too.
1 Demand Respect
Try changing you mindset and expect your partner to treat you as an equal. Remember that you have the right to be in an equal relationship and to be able to express yourself honestly. If your voice has been unheard for some time, it's possible you and your partner are stuck in a rut. At first she may be surprised if you speak up and expect her to listen. Hopefully, she will like seeing you with more confidence and start to listen more.
2 Talk It Out
Find a good time for you and your boyfriend to talk when there is no chance for interruptions. Let him know how you have been feeling. If he starts to dismiss your feelings or talk over you, calmly ask him to hear you out. He may have just gotten in the habit of making all the decisions and doing all the talking. Hopefully, he will listen to how you feel and be willing to make changes.
3 Don't Get Lost in Your Partner
You may have lost your voice if your whole identity is caught up in your partner. If your partner always seems to have a problem and you become the "fixer," you might have a co-dependent relationship. According to Mental Health America, people who are co-dependent often develop relationships that are one-sided and sometimes abusive. Co-dependents like to rescue others and may be involved with individuals with substance abuse or mental health problems. Speak to a mental health professional if you believe you show signs of co-dependency.
4 Don't Be Afraid to Walk If Its Not Working
Remember that the only person you can change is yourself. If you have tried making changes in yourself so you have a voice in the relationship and things are still not improving, it is time to reevaluate the relationship. You need to decide you want to remain with someone who does not value your feelings or opinions. If he knows how you feel and is not willing to make any changes, things are probably not going to get any better.