Tips For Leading Praise and Worship
29 SEP 2017

Before you commit to being a praise and worship leader, consider how you live. In order to transition a church congregation from singing to true godly worship, you must dedicate yourself to the lifestyle of a worshiper. Any talented singer can stand before the church and sing a song -- but only a praise and worship leader has the anointing to sing unto God and cause His presence to fill the atmosphere.
1 Devotion
Being a praise and worship leader does not exclude you from life and its difficulties. On a daily basis you will have to resist temptations, be around complex individuals and overcome obstacles. Yet, because of your calling into the ministry, you must learn how to balance all of this without allowing it to hamper your ministry. To keep that separation, you must spend time with God. On every day that ends in "y", you should take time to pray and read the Bible. Get full doses of what God has to say about life and how to handle it. Then, when Sunday comes, you can sing about Him and His word, rather than you and your troubles.
2 Living Ministry
In an interview with "The 700 Club," Israel Houghton, renowned praise and worship leader and recording artist, shared that his first ministry begins at home. Houghton expressed how important it is that he be the godly leader of his family. For every praise and worship leader, this should be a goal. Your life has to be a shining example of God's love and wisdom, both on stage and in the privacy of your home.
3 Praise Performance
Paul Baloche, singer and songwriter of "Above All," and "Open the Eyes of My Heart," sat down with Charisma magazine to discuss the concept of praise-performance. Baloche suggests that in some ways there is a performance that takes place during praise and worship by praise and worship leaders -- a performance before God. All week long, you should be rehearsing your Sunday presentation. Learn how to open your heart before God and how to draw out gratitude from your heart with sincerity. Let God show you the correct way to enter into His presence. Then, on Sunday, you can lead others into praise that you've perfected.
4 Awareness
Be conscious of the congregation during praise and worship. As a praise and worship leader you have to be careful not to lose those whom you are inviting to worship with you. Keep your eyes open, and observe how well the church is in accord with your leading.