Social Etiquette on How to Treat a Lady

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Social norms dictate what types of etiquette are expected when it comes to treating a lady. Origins of such standards date back to earlier centuries when knights and other men displayed chivalrous acts toward women, which were commonplace for the time. In the modern world, some men continue the social etiquette for how to treat a lady, while others require prompting. Learning how to behave like a gentleman is easy to learn with some coaching and practice.

1 Open her doors

Open her doors. When you both enter a restaurant or other public venue, take the lead by opening the door before she approaches it and allowing her to walk through first. You then follow her inside. When stepping into an automobile, open her door to the car and close the door once she is seated. If you arrive at your destination, men should get out of the car first, run around to the other side and open the door for their ladies.

2 Help her into her seat

Help her into her seat. At a restaurant, pull the chair out from beneath the table for her, and gesture for her to sit down. Once the lady is seated, help her push the chair closer to the table. Do this gently to avoid mishaps. You would not want to accidentally tip her over or thrust her into the table.

3 Pay for her

Pay for her when you go out. If you take a lady on a date, it is social etiquette to pay her way and to not allow her to chip in.

4 Offer her your hand

Offer her your hand. It is a gentlemanly gesture to help your lady make it successfully through rough terrain, or up and down steps or hills, especially if you notice her wearing stilettos.

5 Show her that you care

Show her that you care. Ask how she is doing, how work went, how she feels and what she is thinking about. Take her feelings into consideration. If she had a hard day at work, suggesting to go to the ice hockey game may not be in your best interest. Instead, offer to bring in take-out and watch a movie at home together.

6 Carry her bags

Carry her bags. At the airport, don't let her struggle with luggage that is twice her size. Instead, lend a helping hand and see her to her car or to the airport bag check area. Or, if you see a lady struggling with grocery bags in the parking lot, offer to carry them for her.

7 Give her your seat

Give her your seat. On a crowded public bus or train, if a lady gets on and there are no seats available, offer her yours.

Kyra Sheahan has been a writer for various publications since 2008. Her work has been featured in "The Desert Leaf" and "Kentucky Doc Magazine," covering health and wellness, environmental conservatism and DIY crafts. Sheahan holds an M.B.A. with an emphasis in finance.
