How to Show Your Family on Your Facebook Profile

Relative, step-relatives and in-laws can all be added to your Facebook Timeline. When you add a person, his profile picture and a clickable link that connects to his Timeline are added to your profile. Your privacy settings also determine who can see the family you've listed on your profile; you have the choice to keep you entries private or show them to any friends, connections or the general public. Family entries don't have individual privacy settings -- the settings you choose apply to your entire family.
Click "About" on your Timeline.
Scroll down to the box that says "Family," and then click "Edit."
Click "Add Another Family Member," and then type in the name of the person you want to add. If the person is connected to you on Facebook, her name appears in the drop-down menu; click her entry to link her Timeline to your family entry. If you're adding someone without a Facebook account, finish typing the name, and then enter her birthday using the drop-down menus below her name.
Click "Choose Relationship," and then pick the best description of your relationship with that person from the drop-down menu. Click the button with the circle and the arrow next to the drop-down menu to choose whether the update will be displayed on your Timeline; choose "Allowed on Timeline" or "Hidden from Timeline."
Click the privacy icon at the top right of the Family box. It will have a different icon displayed depending on your current privacy settings -- either silhouettes, the Earth, a padlock or a gear. Select the privacy settings you want from the drop-down menu to determine who on Facebook or the Internet can see your family connections. Click "Save."
- Once you've added a family member to your Timeline, he has to confirm the request before his information is linked to your page.
- When you add a family member who doesn't have a Facebook profile, she appears on your profile without a link or an image.