How to Make a College Presentation More Creative

The sky is the limit, when it comes to making your college presentations more creative

Many students dread giving classroom presentations and struggle to find ways to get through them successfully. Generating new ways to look at old concepts can help students comprehend even the most challenging presentation topics. Creative presentation ideas for college will not only benefit the student, but will also help to retain the attention of peers and make the learning process a little bit more engaging for everyone.

  • Props
  • Audio equipment
  • Flip chart
  • Chalkboard
  • Keyboard

1 Use Visual Aids

Bring in the visual aids when considering educational but also fun presentation ideas . Having a visual element or props to back your verbal presentation or powerpoint topics may help to keep your listening audience interested in what you’re saying. Adding things such as an artifact, a photo, a film clip or even a sample piece of fabric, food or something relevant to the discussion will add a creative twist. If you are artistic, use a flip chart to draw out some of your ideas.

2 Add Mood Music

Add a little background music. Just as you might add visual supplements, you may also consider adding something extra to supplement your own voice in the audio department. If you know a keyboardist, or you own a keyboard or other electronic device that creates sound effects, incorporate them into your presentation.

3 Invite a Guest Speaker

Bring in special guests. If you know someone who is an expert in the area of discussion, you might want to add them to your presentation. Use your classmates as volunteers to visually support your presentation. Not only will this add some creativity, but it will encourage audience participation and keep your listeners engaged.

4 Choose a Theme

Create a theme. For example, if your assignment is for a history class, you could go back in time by dressing the part and creating a feel for a historical moment. Once you’ve established a theme, find a few items to decorate the classroom in preparation for your presentation.

5 Create Fun Presentation Ideas

Turn your presentation into an interactive game or talk show. Create a setting based on a popular game or talk show. You could even give away prizes to make it even more interesting.

6 Consider a Location Change

Take it outside of the classroom. Add some creative flair by changing the location of the presentation to somewhere outside of your classroom. Consider an outdoor presentation at a park, monument or other landmark.

  • Use good judgment when bringing in outside objects and when in doubt, always consult with your professor or instructor.
  • Think outside the box. College presentations are nothing new and chances are, your college professors and instructors have seen a lot of the same thing. Use your imagination, do some research and think beyond the traditional way of presenting to be really creative.

Baltimore native Joy Turner is an author with more than 10 years of writing experience. Turner, who became a published songwriter in 1995, gradually progressed forward and published her first book "Content... Right Where I Am" in 2008. Turner,an active blogger and contributing author to two anthologies, is also a writer for
