List of Title 1 Schools in Ohio

Many schools receive federal money for repairs, improvements and programs such as free or low-cost lunches. However, if the school is also located in an area with a low average income, the school is referred to as a Title 1 school. There are more than 2,000 Title 1 elementary, middle and high schools in Ohio and many of them are located in the state's five biggest cities.
1 Columbus
Two of Columbus's Title 1 elementary schools are Leawood and McGuffey elementary schools. Southmoor Middle School and Champion Middle School both receive Title 1 funds. Alum Crest High School and Welcome Center High School are two of Columbus's Title 1 high schools.
2 Cleveland
Harvey Rice and Miles Standish elementary schools are two of Cleveland's Title 1 elementary schools. Cleveland's Title 1 middle schools include Mary B. Martin Middle School and Martin Luther King Junior Middle School. Cleveland's John Hay Campus High School and Cleveland School of the Arts are two of the city's Title 1 high schools.
3 Cincinnati
Hartwell and Summerside Elementary are two of Cincinnati's Title 1 elementary schools. Mariemont Junior High School and Nagel Middle School also operate under the Title 1 program. Two of Cincinnati's high school in the Title 1 program are Aiken College and Career High School and Princeton High School.
4 Toledo
Two of Toledo's Title 1 elementary schools are Navarre and Mary Harrison Elementary. McTigue Middle School and Jones Junior Middle school also receive Title 1 funding. Two of Toledo's Title 1 high schools are Waite High School and Rogers High School.
5 Akron
Two of Akron's several Title 1 elementary schools are Crouse Elementary and Glover Elementary schools. Innes and Goodyear Middle Schools are also funded under the Title 1 program. Two Title 1 high schools in Akron are Ellet High and Springfield High schools.