How to List Stock Photos in APA Style

Adding pictures to a research paper, article or website makes your project more visually interesting and accessible to your reader. Stock photos are pictures that are legally available for others to use in their own work, sometimes for free and sometimes for a usage fee. Users must list stock photos in their works-cited section or in footnotes. The American Psychological Association has citation guidelines for doing so.
When you know the author and the title, cite a stock photograph in APA style like this: Artist's Name (Type of Artist). (Year the picture was taken). Title of picture in italics [Type of art], Retrieved Full Date, from: URL.
For example: Merton, Tom (Photographer). (2008). Smiling girl touching pink flowers [Photograph], Retrieved June 01, 2011, from:
When you know the title but not the artist, cite a stock photograph in APA style like this: Title of picture in italics [Type of art]. (Year the picture was taken). Retrieved Full Date, from: URL.
For example: Smiling girl touching pink flowers [Photograph]. (2008). Retrieved June 01, 2011, from:
When you do not know the artist or the title, cite a stock photograph in APA style like this: [Description of picture and type of art]. Retrieved Full Date, from: URL.
For example: [Photograph of child with flowers]. Retrieved June 01, 2011, from:
- The artist's name and the title of the picture are usually available for stock photographs, so if you do not see them, try clicking on the picture or hovering your mouse over it. The title and artist's name may appear then.