How to Set Up a Police Duty Belt With a Velcro Liner
4 OCT 2017

Proper setup of a police duty belt with a Velcro liner is essential for officer safety and convenience. Set up the belt according to the police officer’s gun hand or dominant/weak hand--keeping in mind what items are most frequently used.
Thread the under belt through the belt loops on your duty pants. Put the outer Velcro belt on top of the pant belt loops, fastening it in front at a comfortable fit. Cut off any excess of the outer belt that might hit your hips; you need room for holders. Keep in mind you will be wearing this for eight to 12 hours a day. Police officers wear two belts; one that holds up their pants and a top belt, which in some cases has a Velcro fastener that holds all their equipment.
Decide which hand is your dominant or gun hand. Most police officers already know which hand is dominant. Set up your gun holster on the hip side in reach of your dominant hand. Place the holster in a position that is most comfortable for you; for some police officers, this will be directly at the side, for others it will be slightly in front or back. Cinch the holster down with the tool that is included with your holster.
Put your extra bullet magazine holders on your weak side or on the hip opposite the gun holster. Face them straight up and down so you can quickly and efficiently remove a magazine quickly to re-load your gun.
Put your radio holder on the nongun side of your belt. Position it more toward your side so when you sit down it does not get in the way.
Put your handcuffs on the right half of your body if you cuff with your right hand, on the left if you cuff with the left hand. Some officers like the handcuff holder in front by the Velcro buckle; some police officers prefer it behind their back.
Put the flashlight holder on the back hip side of your weak hand--not your gun hand. You do not want to confuse the gun with the flashlight. If you wear a ring holder for the flashlight, put the holder over one of your buttocks but off to the side so it won’t hit you in the butt when you walk.
Put your key ring holder where it is most comfortable for you--probably in the front because it will fit nicely when you sit down and not hit your legs. Put all small items, such as glove holders, in the front.
Put the large can of pepper spray in the back of the Velcro belt because if it is in the front it will poke your leg when you sit down.
Attach your belt keepers to join the two belts together and keep the duty belt more secure. Put a belt keeper in front and behind your holster; you want the holster to stay firm and secure when you need to pull the gun out of the holster. Put two more keepers on the other hip.