How to Read Someone's Tarot Over the Phone

Become familiar with your tarot deck before any readings.

Tarot cards are a divination tool that many people use to understand the underlying forces that shape their lives. For those who believe in the tarot, receiving a tarot reading provides some guidance in a difficult situation in which there is no clear answer. Although some people seek out the guidance of a nearby tarot reader, many people cannot find a reader in their area and prefer to receive tarot readings by phone. Here are some steps you can take to give successful telephone tarot readings.

Ask friends and family if they would be interested in receiving a tarot reading from you over the phone. Reading for those you are familiar with will give you the confidence to read for strangers. Practicing on friends and relatives is an excellent way to gain experience and read tarot cards like a pro.

Choose a tarot deck that feels right to you and that aids in your intuitive reading. Using a deck that makes you uncomfortable or feels awkward in dealing will lead to an inaccurate reading. The key is to find a deck that aids in your psychic abilities and doesn't block you from a true reading. Practice using these cards a few times on yourself and with friends before using them for your phone readings.

Decide on a spread to use. The type of spread you use for the reading depends on the question being asked. Common tarot spreads used in readings include the Celtic Cross, Single Card, and Simple spread.

Ask the client to close their eyes and focus on the question being asked. Meditate as you shuffle the cards, asking your intuitive self for guidance. Feel yourself form a connection to your client. Stop shuffling the deck when you feel the client is ready and choose the cards to be placed in the spread. Alternatively, fan the cards out and hover your hand over the cards. Stop at the cards the client feels are the cards to be read.

Flip over the cards and deliver the reading. Interpret the cards according to the psychic connection you have made during your meditation. Draw additional cards to clarify the meaning of any cards that have ambiguous meanings. Ask the client further questions to help draw light to the question asked and to get a thorough background on the underlying forces at hand.

Michelle L. Scion has been a freelance writer since 2006, specializing in beauty, fashion, culture and travel. She has provided her expertise to local media such as "The Plain Dealer" and Fashionably Cleveland Magazine. Scion studied journalism at Notre Dame College of Ohio and is pursuing her license in cosmetology.
