How to Find Cemetery Plots and Burial Sites for Sale
29 SEP 2017

At some point in time most people will be looking for a cemetery plot for a relative or themselves. The decision to purchase a burial plot or a grave site sometimes is done in advance by families. However, many times this decision is taken right before a relative's funeral. Cemetery plots are available at different prices and depending on location these may be very expensive. Use these steps to find cemetery plots for sale.
1 Buy the cemetery plot in advance
Buy the cemetery plot in advance. The decision to buy a burial or grave site ahead of time is not always feasible, but it reduces the buyer stress and the cost of the plot. If there is money available in the family budget, buy the plot ahead of an impending death or even before a death becomes inevitable.
2 Determine the use for the cemetery plot
Determine the use for the cemetery plot. Before purchasing the cemetery plot, decide whether it will be use to build a grave or to bury the deceased body. This is an important decision since each cemetery has rules regarding the use of plots and the type of burial structures that can be built. Review these rules with the cemetery representative before buying.
3 Contact private sellers of cemetery plots
Contact private sellers of cemetery plots. Private individuals may sell previously purchased plots for many reasons. Purchasing from a private owner may reduce the price since there is generally no commission and no profit motive. Cemetery plot owners can be located online participating in plot exchanges and registries. Also, check local newspapers for cemetery plot advertisements.
4 Find burial plots and grave sites for sale
Find burial plots and grave sites for sale at cemeteries. Cemeteries may sell plots or sites from their inventory or on behalf of private plot owners. Contact the cemetery, discuss the types of plots available and be ready to negotiate a price. Plots at different location on the cemetery's map may command different prices. Getting a smaller plot in a back row for example may save money.
5 Use non profit resources
Use non profit resources to find cemetery plots. Contact the Veteran Administration to find burial plots for veterans of the armed forces. These properties are either free or are very cheap to purchase. Visit the Administration online or by telephone to find plots in your area. Also, churches may own plots for sale or donation to members and non members. Private sellers may advertise plot sales in churches' newsletters and other publications.