Can You Put Two Urns of Ashes in One Plot?
29 SEP 2017

After a cremation occurs following a person’s death, the next step involves arranging the disposition of the ashes. When choosing a cemetery burial of ashes, questions can arise regarding the placement of two or more remains in one burial plot.
1 Types
Many cemeteries feature facilities specifically for burying cremated remains, such as urn gardens or columbariums – stone structures with small niches designed to hold one or two sets of cremated remains. Other cemeteries offer the option of burying ashes in ordinary grave sites.
2 Rules
According to the Funeral Consumers Association of Tampa Bay, Florida, cemeteries set their own rules concerning how many urns can be placed in one burial plot. These rules vary from cemetery to cemetery, throughout the United States.
3 Considerations
While one cemetery may permit up to four cremation urns in one plot, another may place a two-urn limit per regular-size grave space. Consult the cemetery for their policies before purchasing a plot.