How to Build Up Motivation and Encouragement in Church Members
29 SEP 2017

Encouraging and motivating church members can be daunting, if there are conflicting viewpoints among members of the congregation. However, there are steps that you can take to encourage and motivate your fellow church members. Knowing what to do is simply a matter of knowing where to look -- after all, the Bible speaks of encouragement as a gift, both from God, and from one person to another.
Pray for, and with, the members of your church. This is not to say that you should publicly share confidential or embarrassing information about another person while you're praying. But spending time with other church members speaking to God can be a very encouraging experience. If other people know that you're praying for them on your own, then they'll be encouraged, as well.
Talk about what God is doing in your life. There are few things more motivating than hearing that God is still active today. Learning how other people overcome their struggles with sin, and become better believers, is encouraging as well.
Read the Bible, particularly the letters written by Paul. In many instances Paul was writing to beleaguered church leaders whose congregations were fractured, discouraged, or even in physical danger. Learn from his instructions.
Encourage people when you see them serving God. Hebrews 13:3 says, "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." In this way, you affirm your fellow church members' positive actions and encourage them to continue in them by showing love towards God, and others, through their charitable giving, volunteer work and worship.