How to Address a Letter to a Member of Parliament
29 SEP 2017

When you address a letter to a member of Parliament the etiquette can get confusing. When should you use "Honorable" and when should you use "MP"? A directory of all current MPs along with their addresses and appropriate titles are listed at the UK Parliament List of MPs website. Australia and Canada also maintain MP directories, as do other parliamentary countries. Addressing a letter to a member of Parliament is much like addressing any professional business letter, regardless of country.
Check the Parliament website for the proper name and title of the MP you wish to address. A country's Parliament website will note if any special titles apply to an MP.
Verify the spelling of the MP's surname and note the correct mailing address.
Determine whether you need to include "MP" after the surname on the envelope. In some countries the title "MP" is not used when addressing a member of Parliament, but in countries like Australia you'll need to write "Mr First Last, MP" on the envelope. Regardless of what goes on the envelope, "MP" never goes in the salutation.
Address your letter to "Mr" or "Ms" and the last name of the MP. Treat the letter as you would any formal business letter. The exceptions are ministers, senators, presidents or prime ministers who are addressed "Dear --" followed by Minister, Senator, President or Prime Minister respectively.
Add "Honorable" before "Mr" or "Ms" when addressing Canadian MPs. "Honorable" should also appear on the envelope when addressing Australian MPs who are also ministers or hold special office. When in doubt about whether to include "Honorable" check with the country's Parliament website.