What Is a Girl Saying When She Says, "I'm Cold" on a Date?

An arm around her shoulder may be just what she wants.
... Maria Teijeiro/Photodisc/Getty Images

Direct communication is hardly the norm on dates, especially if you've only gone out a few times. If the girl you're with tells you she's cold, it's likely that the subtext of her statement is something like, "We've been sitting here for an hour, and I'd really like it if you put your arm around me."

1 The Perfect Excuse

Attraction is developed through touch, says Jeremy Nicholson, Ph.D., in the "Psychology Today" article, "How to Flirt and Seduce With Touch." He advises the reader to find excuses to touch in order to build that attraction. One excuse that people often use is that of feeling cold. This provides the perfect opening for a guy to put his arm around her shoulder to "warm her up." He might also use the opportunity to offer her his jacket, which is a sign of caring and good manners. While it's possible that your date is simply peeved with the lack of heat in the movie theater, consider that what she might really want is a bit of physical affection.

Elise Wile has been a writer since 2003. Holding a master's degree in curriculum and Instruction, she has written training materials for three school districts. Her expertise includes mentoring, serving at-risk students and corporate training.
