High School Classroom Review Games

In order to be sure students learn no matter what subject you teach, you need to review the material. One way to do this is to give a quiz to see how much the children have retained. However, before you even give the quiz, playing review games will make a bigger impression and help your high school students remember the material.
1 Quiz Bowl

Hold a quiz bowl competition, which is similar to a spelling bee. Instead of asking your students to spell words, ask them questions about the subject you are reviewing. In the beginning, all the students should participate. As they are eliminated, keep them involved by assigning them tasks, such as noting how many questions each student has answered or timing students' answers with a stopwatch. See the link in the Resource section below for software that will help you present this in a fun way for the students.
2 Jeopardy

Another engaging way to help students review is by playing a game of Jeopardy. Taking the format of a quiz show from TV helps to keep the interest of students. Selecting students to ask the questions, keep score and run the stopwatch helps them become more involved in the process. Prepare questions ahead of time and have abbreviated rounds so more students can participate in the game. Rotate the students often so they don’t get bored. There is a site in the Resource section that will help you prepare your Jeopardy game. Making teams also gets more students involved in this game.
3 Worksheets

Make up numerous worksheets with different questions. There should only be five or six questions on each worksheet. Break the students down into groups of five and give each group a worksheet. Have each group select a name and select a runner, who will give you the worksheet as soon as it is complete. The object of this game is for the group to answer the questions as quickly as they can and the runner to get the sheet to you. Correct the sheet until you find a wrong answer. Give the sheet back to the runner telling him the question they got wrong so the group can review the question and change the answer. Continue to do this until you have two groups that have all the questions correct. The first-place team receives three points and the second-place team two points. At that time, the round is complete, the teams that won receive points and the next round begins. Once the period is complete, reward the winning team or teams if there is a tie.