Fun Group Games for College Students
29 SEP 2017

Icebreakers spark an instant connection between college students. You can use group games to begin a student organization meeting or help dorm residents get to know one another; they are fun to do with a group of friends, too. Team builders help college students learn more about each other, open communication lines and bond together as a team. Even students who are resistant to playing are likely to build strong relationships and feel good about the group when the activity is done.
1 Play Bingo
Help your group get to know one another with an innovative game of Bingo. Create bingo sheets with topics like traveling, favorite foods, favorite vacation spots, hobbies and interests. Ask participants to visit with each person and fill as many spots on the card as possible. The first person to fill their card should yell "bingo" to stop the game. Afterward, discuss each square and encourage the group to share their experiences.
2 Use Theatrics for Team Building
Set the stage for creative fun by involving students in dramatic play. Gather a variety of random objects, such as a shoe, hairbrush, backpack, fork, pen and paper. Fill paper bags with a few of the objects. Divide participants into small groups of three to five students and give them one of the paper bags. Using the items in the bag, ask groups to create a skit to present to the group. Small groups can have time to practice their skit, or you can mimic an improvisation comedy club and have them present it without preparation.
3 Get Physical
Invigorate your group with an active game that provides a physical challenge. Ask participants to form a circle. Have one person begin by putting a carrot between their knees. Tell them that they cannot use their hands for the activity. Ask them to pass the carrot to the person next to them. After the carrot is passed around the circle, cut off a section of the carrot and repeat the activity. A participant is out of the game if they drop the carrot. Repeat the process until one person remains.
4 Encourage Artistic Expression
College students look forward to the opportunity to share who they are and learn more about others. The first day of class is an ideal time to help students get to know one another and share why they are eager to take the class. An art project is a fun way to spend time together and display individual qualities that make the group unique.
Give each participant a piece of paper and markers, colored pencils and other art supplies. Ask them to create a poster that includes personal fun facts and two reasons they are enrolled in the class. Have them share their artwork with a partner. Ask students to introduce their partners to the class. Note the reasons that students enrolled in the class and use this information to guide future lessons.