The Best Ice Breaking Games
7 AUG 2017

On the first day of school or the first day meeting new coworkers, it can be difficult to get to know one another and get started with your plans. Ice breaker activities and games serve as a way to bring people together in a fun and creative way. Whether you are a grade school teacher or running a company, consider ice breakers to loosen the tension.
1 Ball Toss
Ball Toss can be played by business professionals and young students alike. No matter who is playing, all participants should sit in a circle. Introduce a ball and toss it someone in the circle. For professionals, you can toss the ball from person to person and have everyone say their name and an expectation they have of their group and company. Students can catch the ball and introduce themselves while telling their favorite subject or an interesting personal fact.
2 People Bingo
People Bingo works with just about any group. Design a bingo sheet and fill each square with a fact that might describe someone in the group. All participants then go around talking to their peers with the hope of finding people who these statements describe. For instance, one square might say to find someone who has traveled out of the country. You can play until a bingo is earned or until someone has filled their sheet with names.
3 Secret Identity
Secret Identity helps members of a class, company or group to loosen up and use their senses of humor and logic skills. Everyone in the group should write down the name of a famous person on a piece of paper and then put the paper on the back or forehead of someone else. Everyone then goes around asking yes or no questions to try and find out the name they have. The first person to find out their identity is the winner.
4 Two Truths and a Tale
Two Truths and a Tale is an ice breaking game that helps everyone in the group to get to know each other. Have all participants take out a sheet of paper and write down two facts and one made-up tidbit about themselves. Go around the room and have everyone read their sheets. The group will then try to guess which of the three items on the sheet is false. By the end of the game, everyone will know a little more about the people in the room.