How to Design Your New Teacher Brochure for Parents
Introduce yourself as a new teacher with style and pizzazz. Designing your new teacher brochure for parents is a smart way to display your bona fides and generate excitement about your addition to the school. Be positive and creative when designing your brochure. A successful pamphlet can open up relationships and create trust right away. Stay open, honest and enthusiastic.
- Computer
- Photos
- Quotes
- Notes
1 List your name and the title of your class
List your name and the title of your class on the front of the brochure. Include colorful images pertaining to the subject matter -- equations or microscopes, for example -- as a visual backdrop for the cover. Add a quote from your favorite academic or philosophical mind on the cover to indicate your perspective on education.
2 Provide an image
Provide an image of you smiling and/or teaching on the first page. Add a short biography beside the image outlining credentials and personal experience as it relates to the academic class. Make your biography informal to add a calm and personal touch.
3 Describe your philosophy
Describe your philosophy of teaching in a few short sentences. Support your philosophy by outlining methods of instruction you plan to use throughout the year. Include information about how these methods lead to successful learning.
4 Write an overview
Write an overview of the course -- or courses -- you are teaching on the opposite inside page. Use non-technical jargon so every parent can easily understand lessons and concepts. Employ exciting language to boost the appeal of your class.
5 Give a short list
Give a short list of expectations you have of all students. Ask parents to help students meet certain guidelines -- bringing text books to school on a daily basis and no talking during instruction, for example -- by giving them a high standard as well. Stay positive in your language.
6 List your professional contact information
List your professional contact information at the bottom of the page or on the back of the brochure. Include office phone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses and office location information. Add your website URL if you have one. List open office hours or available times to meet or speak with students and parents. Encourage communication and conclude by stating you are looking forward to a wonderful and productive year.