How to Convert an MP3 Into a CD+G

Compact Disc Plus Graphic files store audio data as well as images used by karaoke software. You can convert audio tracks in the MP3 format to the CD+G format, but you need special software. Since MP3 files contain only audio, you must manually add the song lyrics to the file during the conversion process. You may also need to use special software to remove the vocals from the MP3 tracks before converting them to CD+G format.
1 Prepare the MP3 File
Place the MP3 file that you want to convert in a directory where you can access it easily when using the conversion software. Ensure that the file name matches the artist and track to avoid wasting time. Knowing the correct name for the artist and track also simplifies the process of finding lyrics.
2 Install and Open a Conversion Program
Karaoke CD+G Creator is among the few products that convert MP3 files to the CD+G format. The program is available in a standard version, for about $100 at the time of publication, and a professional version that adds features such as a scrolling mode and a split screen duet mode for $160. Another option is Karaoke Builder Studio 3. While the software costs $100, you can download a trial version that allows you to evaluate the product for 14 days. Use the wizard mode of the software to quickly convert the MP3 file to the CD+G format.
3 Remove the Vocals
During the conversion process, you can opt to retain the original vocals or use a power vocal remover to attempt to remove them. Depending on how the track was mixed and the compression used in the MP3 file, it may not be possible to completely remove the vocal parts. For the best results, use constant bit rate files; variable bit rate files may cause playback problems. You can use sliders to tweak parameters such as the level, balance, bass boost, treble boost and attenuation while listening to the results. If the software you are using to convert the file does not include vocal removal features, use a free third-party solution such as Pianosoft Vocal Remover, Vocal Remover Pro or Karino Vocal Remover 2.0.
4 Add the Lyrics
Since MP3 files do not contain the song lyrics, you need to add this information yourself using the conversion software. If you know the name of the artist and track, you can find the associated lyrics on sites such as Lyrics AZ Universe, Lyrics and Metro Lyrics. You can copy and paste the lyrics into the input box provided, type them yourself or import them from a TXT file. The imported lyrics have to be synchronized to the song for correct playback.