How to Construct a Creative Brain for a School Project

The brain is a complex organ of multiple lobes or sections. Designing a model of the organ can be a creative approach to understanding the brain. By creating a brain hat, you will present the lobes of your brain with accuracy and flair. The model will help you understand how each component affects the neurological processes that allow movement, thought and autonomic functions in the human body.
Flip the bowl over so that the arced section points upward. The bowl should be upside down on the table.
Cut the newspaper into strips 4 to 6 inches long.
Coat the strips with glue or paste and stick them around the bowl to create a half-circle with the bowl as a core form. Apply the strips in layers and allow each section to dry before adding the next. Build the circle in layers until you have the half-circle. Imagine the top of a balloon and the curve associated with it; that is the shape to build. This resulting piece represents the top of your head.
Use the black marker to draw the frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal lobes of the brain on your circle. Refer to a textbook for a diagram of the brain lobes. On each side, or hemisphere, of the brain, the frontal lobe covers the front half of the brain, with the parietal lobe behind it, the occipital lobe in the back, and the temporal lobe in front of the occipital but underneath the parietal and part of the frontal.
Paint each lobe a different color to highlight each area.
Use stickers or a label gun to place the name of each lobe on your brain hat.