How to Check Your FCAT Scores

The Florida Comprehension Assessment Test (FCAT) is a standardized test administered in grades 3 through 11 in the state of Florida. It tests mathematics, reading, writing and science in order to improve educational standards and student improvement in classes. The FCAT is given towards the end of the school year, and schools receive the scores around June 28.
Wait at least two to three weeks after taking the FCAT to check the results.
Call your school or school district if you want to find out if scores were received yet and when they will be sent out. You most likely will not be able to get more information over the phone regarding test scores.
Check with your school if they have a special website for their students where you can check your FCAT scores. For example, Broward County Schools have a website where you can sign up with a "virtual counselor" to check your scores. If your school or school district does not have such a website, all you can do it wait.
Pick up your FCAT scores at your school once you are notified by the school or school district of their arrival. A FCAT Parent's Network used to exist online where parents or students could check their scores, but it was removed due to budget cuts. The only way to check FCAT scores is to wait for them to arrive at school.
Visit where you can search for your or your child's school to see the average FCAT results for that school. You can also compare it with scores at other schools to see how the standards differ.