How Can I Get a Copy of a Check I Deposited at My Bank?

Your bank stores physical and digital copies of checks you write and checks you deposit. It is common to keep copies of checks you write -- also called canceled checks -- so you can prove you’ve paid the company or person the check was written to. It is less common for people to keep copies of checks deposited to an account, but you still have access to them. In some instances, a third party may ask to see proof of what was deposited, or you may choose to keep copies for your own records. Regardless of the reason, obtaining copies of your deposited checks is relatively simple and may be just a few mouse clicks away.
1 Log in to your online account
Log in to your online account. If you’ve signed up for online banking, your bank may provide images of checks you deposited for free. Deposit images typically include a copy of the deposit slip you filled out, plus copies of any checks included in the deposit. If you have access to these images through your online account, you may notice a link next to or within the deposit transaction listing that posted to your account.
2 Go to your local bank branch
Go to your local bank branch. If you have not enrolled in online banking, or if your online access does not provide images of checks you deposited, visit your local branch. A teller may be able to pull up images from your deposit and print a copy for you.
3 Call customer service
Call customer service. If your local branch isn’t able to provide copies of items you deposited, call the bank’s customer service number. Choose the menu options that allow you to speak with a live bank representative and let the representative know that you need to order a copy of checks you deposited. Give the agent the date and amount of your deposit. After the representative locates your deposit information, you may have options for the delivery of your images. Depending on the bank’s policies, you may be able to receive your request by mail, fax or email.