What Is Army IADT Training?
4 OCT 2017

IADT, or Initial Active Duty for Training, is a term assigned to new soldiers who will work for the U.S. Army part-time, in the National Guard or the Army Reserve.
1 IADT Phase I
IADT begins with assignment to basic training with other active and inactive recruits at one of several Army training posts in the U.S. The classroom and field training curriculum lasts for eight to nine weeks.
2 IADT Phase II
After basic training, soldiers ordinarily return to their Reserve or National Guard units for a period of time. When space becomes available, a soldier attends Advanced Individual Training (AIT) to study his chosen career field.
3 More About Phase II
AIT provides a soldier all the tools needed to perform her job in the military, including technical know-how, book learning, hands-on training and leadership skills. These courses vary in length, from about eight weeks to almost a year, depending on the complexity of the subject matter.
4 Follow-On Training
After completion of phases I and II, many soldiers are required to attend follow-on schools to specialize in their chosen career fields. For instance, a trained medic might be required to attend a specialized combat medic course prior to deployment.
5 Pay
While on IADT or other active duty, Reserve and National Guard soldiers are paid the same wages as their full-time counterparts. As of 2014, a Private E-2 earned $1,716.90 per month, while a Private First Class earned $1,805.40 in base pay while on active duty.