If My Boyfriend Hit Me, What Are the Chances of Him Doing It Again?

The foundation of a healthy relationship is trust, respect and consideration for your partner's feelings. But one in 11 high school students report having been physically assaulted by a date, according to "Abusive Relationships," on the TeensHealth website. If your boyfriend hit you, you are in an abusive relationship. Talk to a trusted adult or friend to ensure your safety.
1 Abusive Relationship
Often a young woman may not question whether she is in an abusive relationship until her boyfriend hits her. An abusive boyfriend might attempt to control your whereabouts and threaten to harm himself or you. He might put you down, hit you or show excessive jealousy, according to TeensHealth. Feeling afraid is not normal in a relationship. Ask friends and family to help you escape this relationship.
2 He Meant It
No one wants to believe a boyfriend would harm her. Regardless of his intentions, physical, emotional and sexual abuse is wrong. Your boyfriend is unable to control his life or his actions. Instead of getting help, he attempts to control you through abusive words and actions. You may continue to have feelings of love for your boyfriend, which can leave you feeling confused, according to "Domestic Violence- Teen Relationship Abuse," published on WebMD.
3 Are You Alone?
An abusive boyfriend may have isolated you from family and friends. This emotional abuse often escalates to physical abuse. Rely on your family and friends despite the distance that has been created. In addition, school counselors and other trusted adults can be used as a safety net to break free of the relationship. If you are alone, reach out to a crisis center or a teen or abuse helpline, suggests TeensHealth. The staff will listen and provide guidance.
4 Consequences of Staying
If you stay in the relationship and the abuse continues, consequences could include bruises, broken bones, depression, anxiety, difficulty eating and sleeping, trust issues, impaired self-esteem and permanent injury. Your boyfriend may promise you the world and tell you he will change. This is part of the cycle of abuse. The first step to gathering the courage to leave is realizing you don't deserve to be abused, according to TeensHealth.