Show & Tell Ideas With an Apple Theme

Kindergarten and early-elementary teachers often conduct show-and-tell exercises to help children hone their communication skills and practice public speaking. As a teacher, you might develop themes, such as an apple theme, to go along with your show-and-tell activities. Encourage your students to bring items to share during show-and-tell, and prepare educational content to go along with the classroom event.
1 Apple Objects
Encourage your students to share an apple-themed object with the class, such as an apple toy, craft, stuffed animal or decoration. Allow students who don't have any apple-related items to bring an actual apple or another fruit-oriented object to show the class. Discuss the nutritional value of fruit and provide specific health-related information about apples, such as that they're high in fiber, contain vitamin C and don't have any fat. You might also mention that they're healthy for bones, assist in breathing functions and help with digestion, suggests Healthfully.
2 Apple-Themed Books
Invite your students to share an apple-themed book with the class, such as a book about Johnny Appleseed, a book about apple orchards or a fictional tale, such as Ten Apples up on Top! by Dr. Seuss. If time permits, read some of the books aloud to your students throughout the course of the day. Encourage your students to bring one book each -- their favorite apple-themed book -- to ensure each child has equal time for sharing. Discuss apple-related myths, such as Snow White, or the Greek legend about Hera's golden apple. Explain historical truths about Johnny Appleseed, such as his real name was John Chapman and he was a pioneer who planted apple trees in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and West Virginia.
3 Photos of Apple-Related Experiences
Ask your students to bring photos of apple-related experiences to share with the class. For example, a student might share pictures of her family picking apples when they visited a farm or an apple orchard. Or a student might share a photo of her grandmother -- the person she always bakes apple pies with at Thanksgiving. A student might share photos of her visit to New York City -- the "Big Apple" -- or bring a photo of her cousin dressed like an apple for Halloween. Send a letter home to parents informing them of the apple-themed show-and-tell activity, so they can help their children with ideas.
4 Apple Artwork
Instruct your class to draw apple pictures to share with the class. Before they start on their drawings, discuss the different parts of an apple, such as the core, seeds, stem, flesh, leaves and skin. Show a diagram of the different parts, such as the one available on the University of Illinois Extension website. Explain to your class that there are different types and colors of apples, such as Granny Smith, Red Delicious, Gala, Braeburn, Cripps Pink and Honeycrisp, but they all have the same parts. Show your students pictures of each of these main types of apples. Ask your students to draw a picture of what they think of when they hear the word "apple" and explain their picture to the class during your show-and-tell activity.